捐血,除了是一樁善心美事之外,更是協助他人延續生命的方式之一。一包包的血漿,在捐血活動後被送往醫院血庫內,成為緊急關頭救人一命的寶貴資源。透過捐血除了能幫助傷患者挽救生命,也可減少自身心血管疾病機率, 促進血液循環,幫助他人也可有益自身健康。
A community initiative aimed to give back to the society, we are calling generous support from everyone to donate blood to help those in need. Your attentions and participations in this campaign may save many others lives who need it in urgent and critical period. We appreciated and thank you to those help and donate for make this campaign a success.